Our Books
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Books Written by Jim Buller
(1) “Faith for These End-Times” available through Teach Services.
(2) “Letter to a Young Christian” PDF Download
(3) “Basic Wilderness Skills” – This is self published and only available from us. Contact us for a copy. $12 for the book, plus $3 for shipping = $15. Email us your address, and either send a check, or send the money through the PayPal ‘Donate’ button, and we will send you a copy. This may be a bit awkward, but we are not really set up for mail order.
Seminar Talk Series
(1) “Live and Act Wholly in Reference to the Son of Man“An Important Guiding Principle for End-Time Christian Living
(2) “Get Ready for the End-Time Birth Pains” PDF Download
(3) “Preparing for the No Buy/No Sell Lifestyle“ Under Construction
(4) “How the Prophecies Describe Our End-Time Wilderness Experience” PDF DownLoad
Other Booklets
(1) “Making Fire with Flint & Steel” PDF Download
(2) “The Importance of Sabbath Nature Outings” PDF Download
(3) “Minimal Wilderness Skills –How to be an “Asset” to the Group God Connects You With” PDF DownLoad – To make this ‘pocket sized’ booklet: 1. Copy the .pdf download front to back/2 sided. 2. Stack copied sheets in order. 3. Cut copied sheets exactly in half across the middle (top to bottom) of the paper. 4. Place the top half of the cut sheets on top of the bottom half. 5. Fold in half (side to side) and staple together.